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大家好,今天小编关注到一个比较有意思的话题,就是关于科技改变生活英语作文的问题,于是小编就整理了3个相关介绍科技改变生活英语作文的解答,让我们一起看看吧。随着科技的发展英语作文开头?1. Is the development of technology ,great changes have taken pla……



1. Is the development of technology ,great changes have taken place in China.


2. In this age of Information in the communication, the computer plays an extremely important role.

3. What is known to us is that technology has been developed ever since last century.

4. With the promotion of the policy,technology in China has made great progress.


Studying humanities can help students understand things better andmore clearly.

For example,when a student looks at a painting,you may think toyourself,"This is just a painting."But by studying humanities,students willbe able to appreciate what paintings are,and you can see how manyaspects of creation and painting may have far-reaching significance.

Humanities will help students appreciate and discover the meaning ofalmost everything in the world.

In addition,you will be able to find inspiration from randomthings,which will help students get the vibration of those creative cells.


Science and technology is not only an important weapon to promote social development, but also a symbol of national progress.

Scientific and technological progress is very important.

First, it can make the industry take a big step forward. Second, it can affect our lives.

Scientific and technological progress can make our lives more colorful.

Finally, it can affect our country, It can make our country richer and stronger, so we should improve our innovation ability and make more and more progress in science and technology


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